
Sidegate Primary School

Seize Opportunity, Create Success

Pupil Voice

Maths at Sidegate is...


"sometimes challenging but the teacher makes it fun"


"interesting because you learn a range of topics"


"fun, interesting, good practise"


"challenging as the teacher makes sure I am being challenged"


"super fun as it has really helped me with my learning. It has helped me with everything"


"great as I have learnt different calculations and ways to solve questions especially problem solving"


"really enjoyable as we always learn something new. We sometimes count up to 100!"


"fun because it can be challenging and if you get it, you can carry on with trickier questions"


"fun but also hard. I think it is fun because you get to find out new calculations and method. It is hard because I don't always get it straight away but I do it again in purple pen"





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