
Sidegate Primary School

Seize Opportunity, Create Success

Extra Curricular Clubs

Messages/ emails are sent out through Arbor in each term, inviting children to sign up for clubs.


  • ITFC Clubs and Tennis with Zico are offered on a first come first serve basis. If your child does not secure a place at a club, they will be given priority next term going forward. If you make a payment this means you have secured a place.


  • Clubs run by Little Springers, The London Ballet Company, International Coaching, The Magic School and Kidslingo require you to sign up via a third party. Arbor messages are sent out each term on how to sign up.


  • Staff run clubs (except choir,musical theatre & super signers) are offered on a first come first serve basis. If your child does not secure a place at a club, they will be given priority next term going forward. If you make a payment this means you have secured a place.


  • Choir, Musical Theatre & Super Signers is open to anyone wishing to join. 


  • Instrument clubs are by invitation only. 


As you can imagine, there are quite a few clubs and we have tried our best to avoid any clashes however, some are inevitable.  We hope the link below will help you make an informed choice as to what club(s) your child would like to participate in.


Schedule of Extra Curricular Clubs 2024/25

Keep up to date with the latest school news through our weekly and termly year group newsletters.