
Sidegate Primary School

Seize Opportunity, Create Success

Packed Lunches

Packed Lunches

Children may bring a packed lunch as an alternative to a school dinner. We recommend that you include a cool pack in your child's lunch box as they are stored in warm classrooms/corridors during the day.


Please could we ask children not to bring in any snacks or packed lunches which contain nuts (packets of peanuts, peanut butter, chocolate bars with whole nuts etc) as we have both children and staff with nut allergies.  


We encourage families to ensure that their child's packed lunch provides a healthy, balanced diet. SWEETS, CHOCOLATE BARS, FIZZY DRINKS OR ENERGY DRINKS ARE NOT PERMITTED. 


Guidance on a healthy lunchbox can be found on the Change 4 Life website.


If your child forgets their packed lunch, we may be able to provide them with a school meal BUT you will be charged for this.  

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