
Sidegate Primary School

Seize Opportunity, Create Success

English Overview

Our English Subject Manual contains a detailed overview of our curriculum.


English at Sidegate sits at the heart of the whole curriculum, we understand that pupils’ development of spoken language, reading, writing and vocabulary is key to acquiring knowledge, skills and understanding in every subject. Sidegate therefore places a high priority on reading, ensuring that all pupils are able to read fluently, with planned opportunities for pupils to engage with a vast range of fiction, non fiction and poetry to support their acquisition of knowledge across the curriculum. 


We understand the crucial importance of exposing our children to a broad range of vocabulary from the moment that they come into school. Our curriculum ensures that they experience a richness of language throughout their learning, so that they can expand and develop their use of vocabulary for the contexts and purposes that they will need to become effective communicators in later life.


By adopting a cross-curricular approach, which uses a range of literary sources including books, film and theatre from a range of times, places and cultures, the English curriculum broadens the cultural capital of our pupils and enriches their knowledge of the world. Through the teaching of English, pupils are exposed to and taught a wide range of vocabulary and they are given opportunities to communicate effectively through the written and spoken word. They write, perform and collaborate in order to explore the different ways in which they can express themselves across a range of contexts and develop their individual creativity. Developing these essential skills in pupils, enables them to develop aspirations and set themselves challenging, worthwhile goals which will ensure they have a sense of well-being as they grow into young adults. 

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