
Sidegate Primary School

Seize Opportunity, Create Success


Can I send in sweets to share with the class when it is my child's birthday?

  • This is acceptable (but certainly not compulsory!!). The class teacher will issue at the end of the day. Children in Early Years & KS1 will be told to get parental permission before eating.


What happens when staff give children food as gifts?

  • Occasionally staff will give children food as gifts, for example, Easter eggs. The class teacher will issue this at the end of the day.  Food should not be used as a reward in school. 


My child has food allergies.  How do I notify the school?

  • Information is collected on the green School Admission Form when your child joins Sidegate Primary and can be updated when data collection forms are sent home annually.  If there are any changes to your child's allergies which you need to notify us about, please contact the school office on 01473 727319 and ask to speak to Mrs Cwyl in the Inclusion Office.


Will my child have the opportunity to cook food in school?

  • Many year groups cook with the children as part of their termly topics, for example, during the Year 3 Anglo Saxon topic, children make vegetable soup. Sometimes food will be used to enhance learning, for example, as part of a French cafe. For some topics, volunteers may work with children to demonstrate cooking, for example, Indian food cooking.  Where this is the case, a letter will be sent home with details of any ingredients.  Parents are asked to notify us if their child has an allergy or food intolerance.
Keep up to date with the latest school news through our weekly and termly year group newsletters.