
Sidegate Primary School

Seize Opportunity, Create Success

Governors and School Governance

Welcome to our Governors’ section


Sidegate is part of the Active Learning Trust (ALT). Click here to contact the Active Learning Trust.  ALT are a multi academy trust and there is an Active Learning Trust Board who place a local governing body in each school to oversee the leadership of the school.  The Local Governing Body acts in accordance with the scheme of delegation agreed by the ALT Board. This scheme sets out what the Trust board asks the Local Governing Body to carry out on its behalf.  Please click on the document link below to view our Scheme of Delegation.



ALT Governance information, including the below documents can be found by visiting the ALT website. 


  • Audited Annual Report and Accounts
  • Memorandum of Association
  • Articles of Association
  • Master Funding agreement
  • Register of interests for the accounting officer


Click here to find out more about ALT Charity Trustees and Members

Meet our Sidegate Governing Body

Public Documentation - Minutes from each Governing Body Meeting can be accessed by clicking on the links to Governor Attendance below. 


2023/24 Governor Attendance at Governing Body Meetings & Links to Public Minutes of Meetings

Our Chair of Governors (Mr Robert Herbert), can be contacted by emailing or by writing to Sidegate Primary School, Sidegate Lane, Ipswich, IP4 4JD.



Mrs Liz Addison
  • Appointed by Parent Ballot September 2023 as Parent Governor.  Term of office ends September 2026.
Mrs Debbie Clarke
  • Appointed by Trust September 2021 as Trust Governor.  Term of office ends September 2024.
Miss Hannah Cutts
  • Appointed by Parent Ballot September 2023 as Parent Governor.  Term of office ends September 2026.
Mrs Wendy James

As the Executive Headteacher, I am automatically a member of the Governing Body. Before I became a headteacher I was a staff governor. I was also a parent governor at Suffolk One when my daughter was in the 6th Form.  I value the challenge and support that the Governing Body offers the school. Our governors bring a wide range of experience to the school and can bring a new perspective to our work.


  • Business Interests to declare: Employee of Active Learning Trust.
Mr Matthew Ferrier

I joined the school in 2001 and before becoming Head of School. I was Deputy Headteacher and class teacher in Years 1, 3 and 5.  I have been an Associate Governor since 2011, helping to shape and facilitate the future direction of the school.  Whilst I am proud of the breadth and quality of learning opportunities that the school offers our pupils, I understand that the work of the Governors to build upon, improve and sustain this, remains a constant challenge. I am pleased to contribute to this process.


  • Staff Representative.
  • Business Interests to declare:  Employee of Active Learning Trust.
Mrs Katie Gooch
  • Apointed by Trust March 2023 as Trust Governor. Term of office ends March 2026.
Mrs Rachel Hamblin
  • Appointed by Parent Ballot April 2022 as Parent Governor.  Term of office ends April 2025.
Mrs Anna Heaven

I have worked at Sidegate for over ten years, starting as a class teacher and progressing to my current role of Assistant Headteacher (Teaching and Learning). I completed a degree in music at Lancaster University followed by a PGCE in General Primary at the University of Cumbria, and have taught from Reception to Year 6. I put my musical background to good use leading the KS1 Choir at Sidegate and I also lead the choir at my church. Beyond music, I spend a large part of my time coaching archery and teaching other people to coach archery. I have two small daughters, a three-legged cat and a dog - Wilbur - who is also our school therapy dog. 


  • Staff Representative. 
  • Business Interests to declare: Employee of Active Learning Trust.
Mr Robert Herbert
  • Converted by Trust to Trust Governor May 2021.  
  • Chair of Governors with effect from September 2023.
  • Appointed Chair July 2023.  Term of office ends September 2026.
Mrs Clair Hubbard

I have worked in Financial Services for most of my career.  I am a qualified Chartered Accountant and currently work as a Project Manager.  I understand the financial pressures of business and the importance of compromise.  I believe in the commitment and dedication of the leadership team at Sidegate and am very proud to be part of it today.

  • Appointed by Parent Ballot December 2020 as Parent Governor.  
  • Vice Chair of Governors with effect from September 2023.
  • Appointed Vice Chair July 2023.  Term of office ends September 2026.
Mrs Helen Quantrill
  • Staff Representative.
  • Business Interests to declare:  Employee of Active Learning Trust.
Mrs Heather Valentine
  • Staff Representative. 
  • Business Interests to declare:  Employee of Active Learning Trust.



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