
Sidegate Primary School

Seize Opportunity, Create Success

Lunch Menus

Sidegate use Edwards and Blake to provide school lunches to pupils. 


Meals are priced at £2.65.  Pupils will need to bring their own healthy snack that is low in salt, sugar and fat. Please make it clear to your child what is their snack and what is their lunch - they will be challenged, if they are not eating a healthy snack.


A cashless system is used and payments must be made through the Parentmail App (see instructions below). Children who are in Year R, Y1 and Y2 are entitled to Universal Infant Free School Meals (UIFSM) and do not pay for their school lunch.   Any queries relating to incorrect lunch account balances/debts should be directed by email to, who will be able to help resolve any issues.


You may be entitled to a free school meal if you meet certain criteria. To find out if you are eligible, information is available at  Not sure if you qualify? Apply anyway and the free school meals service will check for you.  Registering for free school meals couldn’t be easier and you can now apply online. The Department for Education do not know which children are eligible for free school meals unless their parents apply successfully for funding. Applying for a free school meal does not mean that your child has to have school dinners but it does mean that the school will receive Pupil Premium funding for your child if you successfully apply.  There is a helpline number on their website for you to call if you require assistance with the application.  We use an electronic system to capture the data of those children in receipt of a free school meal.  Children collect their meals in the same way others do, by providing their name at the till point. Catering staff are not aware of which children receive free school meals.    


You can find out much more information by visiting the Food and Drink in School section of our website via the link below.


Allergens - If your child has any food allergies/sensitivities, please ensure that the school is notified using the below form.   This form is issued to all new children joining the school.


Allergens form - print and return to the school office or collect a paper copy.

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