
Sidegate Primary School

Seize Opportunity, Create Success

Physical Education

Our Physical Education Subject Manual contains a detailed overview of our curriculum.


PE at Sidegate aims to develop an understanding of the importance of physical activity and the benefits of active participation in sport. It allows pupils to become physically confident and competent. High expectations and positive encouragement of pupils inspires them to self-improve, strive for success and show determination through a wide range of activities.


Pupils develop their knowledge of the world as they experience the wide range of different sports available within the curriculum. In PE lessons at Sidegate, the children are given the opportunity to take part in a variety of physical activities, allowing them to develop fundamental movement skills that can be learnt and refined individually and with others; these include agility, balance and coordination.


Through PE pupils are encouraged to express their creativity by problem solving, game creation, and self-expression. This contributes significantly to pupils’ understanding of fair play, being a team player, learning to win and lose with grace, thinking quickly, and communicating clearly. Pupils are expected to communicate with others, celebrating each other's successes, encouraging and helping others, and building relationships.  These opportunities help to develop pupils’ resilience, sense of community, and overall well being


We strive to develop a community of fit, skilled and knowledgeable children who: value an active lifestyle; understand the importance of  keeping healthy and having a balanced diet and the contribution this makes to maintaining their mental and physical well being. Where appropriate, this is linked to other curriculum subjects, for example Science and RHE to enhance pupils’ understanding of the impact that exercise has on their bodies. 


A wide range of extra-curricular sports provide pupils with the opportunity to enrich their understanding of the knowledge and skills they have acquired in lessons, raises their aspirations and motivates them to practise and succeed. A balance of  opportunities from non-competitive to competitive events (including “friendlies”) ensures that pupils’ individual talents for PE and Sport are fostered and nurtured. Our extra-curricular offer increases pupils’ desire to learn, their willingness to take risks, builds confidence and contributes to their sense of personal identity. Through PE and extra-curricular sport at Sidegate, children are influenced by the sportsmanship of role models both within the school and the wider world, further raising aspirations and planting the seed that a career in the Sport / Health and Wellbeing industries is a possibility.


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