
Sidegate Primary School

Seize Opportunity, Create Success

Food and Drink in School (including lunch menus)

It is the parents' responsibility to provide their child with a packed lunch or top up lunch money accounts for a school dinner every day. Some children are eligible for Free School Meals. Click here if you think this may apply to your child(ren). 


We have an excellent school kitchen, run by Edwards & Blake, that provides healthy, balanced meals that appeal to children. Vegetables, salad and fruit are available every day.  Menus are published termly, as well as special themed days.


If your child has booked for a school lunch at registration time, we expect their lunch money account to be topped up with sufficient funds to cover the cost of this meal (£2.65).  If your child is sent to the office at lunchtime by the catering staff as they have insufficient funds on their lunch money account, we will try to contact you by telephone for you to top this up.  If contact is unsuccessful, we will provide them with a sandwich and a piece or fruit.  The School do not allow families to build up a debt on their lunch money accounts.


Click on the leaves above to access more detailed information about food and drink in school.



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