
Sidegate Primary School

Seize Opportunity, Create Success

Attendance/Absence Reporting

Suffolk County Council information - Why a child should attend school

Parents can report their child's absence through the Parentmail App. This new absence reporting tool makes life easier when reporting the absence of your child, however, absence reporting will only work through the mobile App, so it’s important that you have downloaded the App onto your iPhone or Android device. 


  • Remember to report the absence before 9am.
  • If your child is absent, please ensure you provide us with as much information as possible.
  • Even though the App allows you to specify the length of absence, we require you to report any absence on a daily basis.
  • If you do not have access to the App, you can continue to call the school as before (before 9am), leaving a message on our automated system.  


Please see the below guide for both Android and IOS devices.  

Morning Arrivals

We will continue with our “flexible arrival” between 8.45am and 9.00am. The register will close at 9am and lessons will start promptly - please make sure that your child is actually in their classroom, ready to learn by 9am.


Afternoon Pick-up

  • Sun Bears - 3.00pm
  • Years R, 1 & 2 - 3.10pm
  • Years 3, 4, 5 & 6 - 3.15pm
  • Harriers - 3.15pm

What should I do if my child is not well enough to attend school?


If your child is not well enough to attend school please report this through the Parentmail App or telephone 01473 727319 before 9am.  Please report the absence each day your child is absent.


Why is attendance at school so important?  Read the guides below.


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